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Youngdahl has an experienced team of geoscience professionals including: geologists, hydrogeologists, and engineering geologists. Our team conducts Phase I and II environmental site assessments and geologic mapping. Additionally, we supervise drilling and trenching operations, perform literature research, and study stereoscopic aerial photography. Geoscience services we provide include:

  • Geologic/Hydrogeologic Mapping & Analysis

  • Geologic Hazard Identification & Mitigation

  • Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) assessments, workplans, sampling, laboratory testing & monitoring

  • Aerially Deposited Lead (ADL)/Lead Chromate sampling, testing & management

  • Cut Slope Stability Evaluation & mitigation

  • Economic Mineral Resource Evaluation

  • Environmental Contamination Studies

  • Fault Investigations

  • Fugitive Asbestos Dust Monitoring & Mitigation

  • Legacy Mining Hazards

  • Interpretation of Geophysical Studies

  • Land Capability Reports

  • Landslide Investigations

  • Percolation Studies for Wastewater Disposal & Stormwater Infiltration Facilities

  • Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments

  • Preliminary & Pre-Purchase Geologic Assessment

  • Seismicity Studies

  • Subsurface Exploration/Characterization

  • Water Resource Evaluation

  • Blasting Analysis

  • Ground Vibration Monitoring

  • Geophysical Investigations

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